Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I am in love with this shirt. I found it when I went thrifting with Azriel. The thrift store we went to is HUGE and I hardly knew where to begin. Unfortunately, you have to look through a lot of the clothes before you find something good. The shirt above was DEFINITELY a good find, and so cheap! I pride myself on being an excellent bargain shopper. Being my age, the only money I have is what I can make from babysitting, and I'm trying to save that up. Thrift stores are a great place to find additions to my wardrobe, and hand-me-downs from my mom, (and sometimes dad) have helped as well. Sometimes all it takes is a little creativity and some adjustments to make something old into something new and wearable.

1 comment:

  1. Babe you scored on this one... what a fantastic find!
    Something about lace right now, I'm LOVING it.
